Monday, June 15, 2009

15 Months Old and Feeding Himself

Our little guy is now 15 months old. He loves to walk everywhere. Yesterday, we went to Sears, and I let him walk around with me. When he heard the music in the store (which I think was just elevator-type music), he stopped, dropped my hand and boogied. Then when the song changed, he did the same thing. It seems like he's really trying to talk, but it's pretty much just "da" that comes out.

I know I have lots of videos of Caden feeding himself, but here's another one :) Last night was the first time I gave him the bowl of applesauce and spoon to try all by himself.

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Wow Caden did an excellent job feeding himself. Sounds like Caden may be musically inclined.