Thursday, March 31, 2011


I was hoping these would be the last snow pictures we would post...but not according to tonight's weather. These were taken last Wednesday when we finally good snowman building snow.

"A Mommy one and a kid one."
His has a bucket head if you look closely.
This was taken yesterday...almost all gone only to get more!
P.S. They were wrong - no snow for us!

"Fula" Hoop

As Jason once said, "Caden has an old soul." Two of the things he asked for for his birthday were a "fula" hoop and a yo-yo.
Thanks Aunt Erin for the fula hoop! He was thrilled. When asked how you use one, he said, "You just wiggle!" Here he is showing off his skills!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Birthday Clubs

In case you didn't already know...

K-Mart has a kid's birthday club (click HERE if you want to sign up) where you can get $5 in Birthday Bucks to use on their birthday.

Toys R Us also has a kid's birthday club (click HERE if you want to sign up) where you can get a $3 store coupon.

Every little bit of savings helps! If anyone knows of any other kind place that has this, please let me know.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Abby at 11 Months

Happy 11 Months Abigail!
11 months...
going on 22???
She chose today to pull herself up and stand for the first time. She's been standing for a little while now, but this was the first time she pulled herself up. She looks pretty proud.

Some other things she's up to:
- She continues to LOVE everything Caden.
- She has started to get up on hands and knees and crawl a few "steps".
- She likes to get up on her hands and stretch out her legs so that it looks like she's going to do a push-up.
- She loves to put her hand up to her mouth and pull it away quickly while making a noise.
- She's a great hugger.
- Her new favorite toy is Caden's microphone.
- I continue to hear, "mum, mum, mum", and I love it!
- She seems to be taking after her brother with not gaining weight from 9-12 months. We had her weight checked 2 weeks ago, and she hadn't gained anything from her last visit though she has a good appetite and eats just about everything I give her. She's not too crazy about some stage 3 foods.
- She has 8 teeth in fully and is working on #9 and #10 (top molars - which have been very painful). I think a bottom molar will be through soon too.
- She took her first big bath on Sunday. She's a little scared of being in such a big tub.
- She continues to be a joy to be around, enjoys visiting people and sharing her smile with everyone.

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Pose

This is Abby's new pose.
She started doing it to put things behind her head (bottom pictures), but now she just enjoys having her hands there, so much so that her hair is thinner there. Apparently it's fun to make a face too.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Who knew mirrors could be so fun?

Friday, March 25, 2011


WARNING: Turning 3 may make you want to wear your shirt backwards.
(this was the day after his birthday - he asked to wear it backwards on his birthday, but I didn't that day)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Abigail and the Gumball Toy

Abigail has a great time playing with this gumball toy. I think she plays with it more than Caden ever did. I'm not sure what all the noise is in the background, but surprisingly it doesn't distract her. Sorry it's a little dark.
(recoded 3/6)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Caden's 3rd Birthday Party

I'm finally posting pictures from Caden's birthday party this past weekend. He told me his favorite part was the cake! I know he enjoyed having all the family there too.

We started off the day with Christmas presents from Pappy D since we haven't seen him since the Saturday after Thanksgiving. He's having a good time with this bear mask.
Another Christmas present.
Caden hid under the kitchen table to get away from the Daddy bear.
Mr. Stylish with the jeans jacket.
Having his first look at a Nintendo with Kara and Katlyn.
Abby and Mammy hanging out. Abby was sooo good (as usual) with everyone there...she went to everyone and anyone.
Enjoying some hoagies for lunch.
Abby and Aunt Ju-Ju
Present Time!
Where's Caden?

A new game.
Beach toys...getting ready for our vacation!
Sunglasses...more beach fun.
Another new game.
I love that he's at the age to play games now.
Abby and Papa
Abby and Uncle Brooks (hard to tell he's a Michigan fan isn't it?) and Amanda
Aunt Peggy never ceases to amaze!
He just tried to get his mouth on the cake in this picture. When people yelled, he said, "Oh, oh, oh!" like he knew he shouldn't have tried.
It looks like we squashed the poor little LGM guy under the cake.
A closer look at Katlyn's Nintendo.
Abby and Aunt Missy
Talk about relaxed!
Abby and GG
Notice the tongue...she had her tongue sticking out to the side almost all day and it's still out 4 days later.
Abby and Aunt Erin
(told ya she saw everyone)
Abby and Nana
GG and Caden
Pappy D, Caden, Jason, Erin, Mammy
Me, GG, and Abby
A close up of Abby...again, talk about relaxed! I laugh every time I look at this picture.
I guess we need to work on how to sit in a dress :)
Brooks, Randy, Melissa
Amanda, Justine, Jason, Me
Kara, Christopher
Abby, Nana, Papa, Caden
Katlyn, Katie, Cori, and Matt

Then for the day after his party...
Checking out the train set and table from Pappy D. It only took us about 2 hours with the 3 of us working together to get it together.

Caden and Abby with Pappy D

Friday, March 18, 2011

"I'm being cute"

Caden - "Mommy!"
Me - "What?"
Caden - "Come look at me!"
Me - "Why, what are you doing?" (I'm a little afraid to find out the answer to this question anymore)
Caden - "I'm being cute!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

She Does Cry

Kim, these are for you!

We are very blessed with a normally very happy/smiley little girl. A grandmother at Toddler Time at the library asked me the other day if she knows how to cry :) My neighbor asks the same's proof that she does.