The other day when Abigail woke up from her nap, we had to bring EVERY stuffed animal down with us too. There's still another stuffed animal on the other side of Abby that you can't even see. She's also very particular with how we bring everything down. She will stand in her crib and hand me things one-by-one, and then expect me to pick her up when my arms are already full. I tried once to put the stuffed animals down on the chair first so that I can pick her up, and she threw a fit! She's a stink sometimes!
I guess when you're really tired you can sleep in any position! Jason always says, "You took a picture, but you didn't fix her?" I then have to reassure him that I run to get the camera, take a picture, then I fix her.
On November 5th, Abigail and I (Jason and Caden went to my sister-in-laws since we met at the Schuylkill Mall) were able to meet up with my best friend, Rachael, her husband, Eric, and their son, Joshua. Joshua was almost 7th months old by this point, and it was the first time I was able to meet him. I'm so thankful we were able to get together. As I was going through the pictures, I realized I didn't get a good picture of Rachael or even a picture of the two of us. Oh well, we'll have to plan that better next time :)
Rachael and Joshua (taking a little lunch break).
Cutie Patootie!
Abigail was entertained with Rachael's water bottle.
Caden told me the other day that a girl at preschool asked him if he was wearing stuff on his eyelashes to make them look long. I asked him what he said to her, and he said he just laughed.
This is my first piece of Caden-made jewelry. He made it in church last Sunday for me. I thought I'd better take a picture of it before it breaks...for the 3rd time.
Today Abigail has started saying please, or in her words, "meeeee" or "meeeees". Anyway, it works! She hasn't been saying much, so we're hoping by Christmas there will be more to her little list of words she says.
She had her 18 month well-baby visit this afternoon. She has grown, but she's still nowhere near average. At least she has a pretty good jump in weight. If you look at weight and height combined, she's in the 5th percentile...our little peanut! I think we'll keep her rear facing in the car since that's what's recommended now, even though she finally hit 20 lbs.
Our Halloween was a busy day for us. It started out with a parade and party at Caden's preschool. Since it was soooo cold, we had the kids wrapped up pretty good. We watched the kids' parade and songs with our neighbors. After his little party, Abby and I picked Caden back up and drove straight to Daddy's new school.
Ethan and Abby waiting patiently.
Of course Caden and Ella came out hand-in-hand.
This was when they were getting ready to sing their songs. They were so cute. It looked like Caden was singing along for the most part. I know he was practicing them at home!
Halloween always brings about an exciting and somewhat trying question...what's Jason going to be for Halloween? He has been coordinating his costume around the kids for the past 4 years: 2008 - Caden - lion/Jason - lion rescuer 2009 - Caden - monkey/Jason - banana tree (my idea) 2010 - Caden - elephant/Jason - peanut salesman (Abigail was a lady bug...) 2011 - Caden & Abigail - dinosaurs/Jason - paleontologist (my idea)
He honestly did measure this and it came out to be about the length of the femur for a T-Rex.
Caden had a blast passing out pencils to Jason's students.
Abigail really liked the bug this kid made...she was kinda creeping up to him to get a closer look.
It was our first time to Daddy's new school...really nice to finally be able to see it.
Then for Halloween night...we bundled back up again. Caden wore a hat under the head which worked really well. It kept Buddy's head (he was Buddy from the Dinosaur Train on PBS - thanks Jen for the costume) from falling to the side.
Profile shot. Abigail loved Caden's tail!
Our dinosaurs.
Trick-or-treating with Ella and Ethan!
Abby got tired and only made it about half way. Jason took her back so that they could pass out some candy.