My friend, Marisa's, daughter, Annalise, just recently turned 2, and we were able to celebrate along with her and her family. It was great catching up with some Bloom Middle School friends!
Caden carrying her gift. Daddy told him to hold it up high so it would drag.
Another friend of mine who I haven't seen in awhile, Jen, was there with her son Bryan. He loves babies and asked to hold Abigail. I love this picture of them looking at each other though Abby looks like she's not so sure of him.
Bryan is such a sweetie!
Caden pretty much played the entire time we were there...of course going after some older girls most of the time. Looks like they are in a battle here for this car...not sure who won. He had such a good time, and he was so sad on the way home.
Our very kind neighbors are allowing us to borrow their exersaucer for Abby. It's something I never had with Caden, but they look like they would be so much fun. Well...Abby just squeals with delight when she's sitting in it, that is as long as she is able to get things in her mouth. If there is something she can't get in her mouth she lets out a very loud cry of frustration. Now I just have to keep Caden from spinning her in it.
360 degrees of fun
This "doggie on a stick" is one of her favorite parts. She can actually bend it to get into her mouth.
Tonight after we did our normal bedtime prayer and after praying for God to help Caden make the right decisions during the day and to listen to his Mommy and Daddy (this has been a recent addition :), Caden decided to say his own little prayer without any prompting. It went something like this, "Dear Lord, please help Daddy fix the towel rack. I hung on it and it breaked." (this actually happened the other week, but I guess it's still on his mind)
Abby has been practicing sitting up lately, and she actually sat up for a few minutes last Thursday. I was really excited, but as you can see, someone else was not.
Yes, he is honestly bawling here...he was saying, "I don't want Abby to sit up. I want her on her belly!" I really have no idea why he was all worked up, but he cried the whole time she was sitting up.
So then she started crying, and I think it was only because he was crying...poor kids!
I guess some people would call these "squishy" blocks, but Abby thinks they are chewy blocks. She just loves them. Please ignore the fuss pot in the background (taped on 10/14).
My friend, Kristen, and her son, Trafton, came to visit us on Tuesday. It was so nice seeing her and meeting Trafton for the first time - such a cutie! Her son is almost exactly 6 weeks younger than Abby. Of course we tried to get pictures of the kids together, and here is the result...(it was almost Trafton's nap time)...
He loves to stand, and grab hair which I think was his plan with Abby's little head so close :)
Caden at first didn't want his picture taken with the two of them, but I guess he just couldn't resist.
Normally standing makes him very happy, but I guess when you're tired nothing makes you happy!
"Poor Trafton"
He would smack Abby in the face and she would just laugh.
Is this a flirty face or what? "Oh make me laugh!"
Yea! I can finally post videos! I've been trying for months now to post videos and for some reason I couldn't. Get ready for a video overload on the blog :) This was from 11/8.
My mom, sister, and grandparents came to visit this past Sunday. We celebrated Pappy's birthday by making pistachio chocolate chip cookies for him. We piled some together and put a candle in the middle. There wasn't enough room for 90 candles though.
Caden singing "Happy Birthday".
We tried to get a picture of Caden and Abby together, but she wanted nothing to do with it. It was almost nap time.
Then for a picture of Caden with his GG and Pappy...and a bow...
We haven't been to the Steamtown Museum in Scranton since June of 2009, so we thought we'd visit again on Veteran's Day. It's a nice little museum wrapping around the Roundhouse. You can also take a short train ride through the park area which we all enjoyed.
Inside the museum.
Posing at the Roundhouse.
I believe this is the engine that we later rode.
Caden inside one of the cars you can walk through.
Caden in another freight car that you can walk through.
Some kind of car - not up on my train terminology.
This is the train we boarded. I wasn't sure how Caden was going to react since he likes to hide when we can hear train whistles around the house, but he was excited.
They had it decorated nicely for Christmas ("skipping holidays" as Jason would say).
Waiting patiently for the train to go.
Another patient train rider...she didn't make a peep the whole time we were there and was even missing a nap.
We took a little train car along for the ride with us.
Last week, on 11/8, we gave Abby a sippy cup for the first time. She was very excited to get it until she realized it was cold water. Then her excitement dwindled a little. At least it was fun to play with! Caden was a big help as usual. He was so excited to help and said, "I'm drinking Abby!". I guess since we normally say we are "feeding Abby" he thought "drinking Abby" made sense.