Some 16 month updates:Eating: He now finally eats just about everything we give him to try, including vegetables (so we're pretty much off baby food). He really likes ketchup so that he can dip his Smiles, ham, and zucchini in it!
Talking: He hasn't been trying to say too many new words lately. He did say Papa the other day when he was at their house. So, it's pretty much just limited to Dada, Mama, hi-ya, bye, woof, and the neighbor girl's name (leave it up to my son to say a girl's name as one of his first words - hope this doesn't give us some insight into teenage years). He also kinda says "thank-you" and signs it too.
Playing: He continues to be into everything and is entertained by lots. He had a blast the other day with a curtain tension rod. He LOVES playing with other kids, but unfortunately the only play thing I know of is with the library at 18 months. If he sees any of the neighbor kids out playing, he just marches down the driveway thinking, "They want to play with me!"
Signing: He has a new sign...he rubs his arm with his hand which means suntan lotion. I think it really means he wants to go outside, and he knows he has to put that on first. He also walks around with his arms up when he's lost something (which I know is not really a sign, but it's so cute!) and makes this bwa, bwa sound.