Who said the wheelbarrow can't be a seat too? I think he plays with this every way except the way it's supposed to be. He flips it upside down and pushes it and sits on it. Then he'll just grab the two "legs" while upside down, pick it up, and carry it. He's so easily entertained!
Our new neighbor's little girl brought this bucket and a little book over for Caden last week. It's one of his new favorites; it's one of the first toys he grabs to play with. He will often use the shovel as a phone...everything is a phone to him now. He'll pick something up, put it up to his ear and say, "Hi ya!" If there's nothing to pick up, he'll just put his hand at his ear. You'd think he'd do this on a real phone, but nope! I'll have to try to get a picture of him on the "phone" (a.k.a remote, cell phone case, spoon, etc.), but he doesn't "talk" long.
This morning Caden found some older pictures of Jason and me. So, I thought I'd just ask him, "Which one is Mommy?" in a picture of my mom, sister, and me and in a picture of me with 2 of my college roommates. He was able to point to me both times. Then there was a picture of Jason with 2 of his college roommates and he was able to find him too. I never tried that with him before, and I wanted to see what he would do. He did get a little confused with a picture of both Jason and me though :)
A little something else - Caden has this "Fridge Phonics" thing his Grandma got him for his birthday...anyhow...he's been pulling letters off the past few days and giving them to me. I first got an "A". Then yesterday he gave me a "B". Today, it's a "C". What's he telling me??
The Bloomsburg Renaissance Faire was this past weekend, so we decided to make the trip in. It was great seeing lots of people I used to work with! It was soooo hot that day...we all drank tons of water.
Checking out all the sites and sounds. No need for shoes!
Me, Marisa, Lori, and Tara (as you can see, we all had kids around the same time)
Caden, Annalise, Aidan, and Gavin
It kinda turned into a Mommy thing, but Jason's getting used to that :) All the kids were so good despite the heat.
Skip in the dunk tank - he's a teacher I used to work with. It didn't take long for him to get dunked!
Some of the entertainment. Caden bopped to the music.
Caden was really interested in what Anna was doing...she could've cared less about him :)
You can just tell how hot he was. Still, he didn't complain.
We decided to flip the car seat around. He was a little unsure at first, but then loved it! It's so much easier for us now...he's not pushing off the back of the seat and arching his back.
If you're a Boettger, this dresser might look familiar. I know, it should be blue and maize, not blue and orange...but you work with what you have. I forgot to take a before picture. Incase you didn't already know...we're big fans of spray painting. It gets a job done quickly. The wall hanging is from a friend of mine from school, Donna, and was kinda the inspiration for the jungle theme. Caden's Grandma got him the elephant hamper for Christmas.
I'm not sure if I'm "allowed" to do this, but...here are some of Caden's 1st Birthday pictures from JCPenney. He wasn't too happy at first (as you can tell from the 1st picture), but was fine after Daddy thought to give him some Cheerios.
I love these 2.
Eating a Cheerio.
This is the one we decided to order.
He saw the photographer do this with the "O", and I guess thought, why not?
"We went to a Scranton Wilkes-Barre Yankees (but I was told we don't like the Yankees) game on Friday night. Papa, Nana, and Uncle Brooks were all there. It was my 2nd baseball game ever! I slept through the whole game the first time, but was wide awake this time...even though the game started when I usually get ready for bed. Mom and Dad say that I got a little goofy when I hit my second wind - whatever that is."
"There was a lot going on! I liked bouncing to the music."
"The game from my point of view."
"Yea! I'm not sure what I'm clapping for, but everyone else is, so why not?"
"Did I mention I was up almost 3 hours past my bedtime?"
P.S. "Thanks "Aunt" Lou for playing with me yesterday. I'm glad you enjoyed my toys as much as I do!"
I guess we can officially say we have a toddler now! I'm not sure why he stops in the second video...maybe to catch his breath so he can babble and walk at the same time.
I think this is my last Easter post. Caden got his Easter Basket from us on Thurs. before we left. He did not like it when the grass stuck to his fingers.
Caden got a wheelbarrow full of goodies from Grandma. He also got a nice toy and book from Aunt Erin. The "oh" expression was on his face most of the morning. He actually knew what to do with the wheelbarrow before anyone even showed him.