Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

Abby at 13 Months

Happy 13 Months, Abigail!
(As you can tell, she wasn't too happy when I was taking this picture. It was towards the end of a long, fun day with Jason's side of the family.)

A few things she's been up to lately:
1. She's been pointing to things she wants/likes.
2. She's walking more and more around furniture and with a walking toy, but she's not close to walking on her own yet.
3. She LOVES to feed herself. She has eaten everything I given her, as long as she can feed it to herself. If I try to give her some left over baby food she'll sometimes fight me on it.
4. She's been doing a lot of copy playing, like if I put on a bracelet and then hand it to her, she'll do the same. She likes to play with cars (while making a brmmm sound) like Caden and tries to color too.
5. She loves to comb her hair (as previously mentioned) with a brush, comb, spoon, fork, etc. :)
6. She'll pick up random things like a remote or toy microphone, hold it up to her ear, and start babbling. This was one of the first pretend things Caden did too. I really didn't think I spent that much time on the phone!
7. She's very vocal at home but a little more shy when there's lots of people around.
8. She likes being outdoors though doesn't seem to be too crazy about grass (which might explain the picture too), esp. if Jason just mowed and it sticks to her hands.
9. She's starting to really hold on to toys when Caden's around and fuss if he tries to take something away. I knew that wouldn't take long.
10. I'm pretty sure she's getting her 4 last teeth to make the grand total of 16.
11. She can drink through a straw which I discovered by accident. She just grabbed my water and started drinking!
12. When she's done eating, she'll hand me her plate as if to say, "More please!"
13. She will wipe her own face when I give her a wipe which she doesn't complain about like when I clean her off.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

In My Opinion

My friend, Renee, first mentioned this video HERE on her blog, Tackling Today's Tasks. I then suggested it to my mom for Caden's birthday. Well, I totally agree with Renee...it's a great little DVD that taught Caden all his letter sounds after just watching it a few times. I also highly recommend it for little ones. We found it at Wal-Mart for around $8.

Comb or Fork?

One of Abby's newest "things" is to use a play fork or spoon as a comb.

She also enjoys combing my hair...which I think is what she's offering to do here :)
It reminds me of something...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


He can be a big help when he wants to be.
Sometimes she'll eat better for him :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Abby's on the Run!

(This was recorded on 4/20. Sorry it gets so dark...it didn't seem that dark when I was recording it!)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mairzy Doats

This was a song my grandma taught my sister and I when we were little. We would often sing it when we were sitting on the swing in the backyard snapping beans. I thought it would be a fun one to teach Caden. Incase you don't already know this song from 1943, here are the lyrics:
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wooden shoe?
If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey,
Sing "Mares eat oats and doe(s) eat oats and little lambs eat ivy."
Oh, Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wooden shoe? (A kid'll eat ivy too, wouldn't you?)
I guess it's not a favorite of Abby's? (recorded on 5/7)

Tired Abby

I finally uploaded some videos from my camera.
This one is from 4/19.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Shoe Confusion

Yesterday, Caden came down stairs, saw Jason's shoes, and said, "Daddy's home!" I then had to tell him the sad news that he wasn't home. Then later that morning, we were in my bedroom, and he saw another pair of Jason's shoes. He then exclaimed, "Oh no!" I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "Daddy's not wearing any shoes!" I guess Daddies are only allowed 2 pairs of shoes :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Outside Fun

We are lovin' these few days of spring-like weather!
(gotta love the pot holes on our road)

The kids are all hat, but that's OK!
They love their wagon.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Abby had a great time in her swing for the first time. Caden was a different story when he was her age.

She wasn't too sure of the grass at first...
but then she just took off!

Here's a little video of Abby and Caden enjoying the swings.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day full of fun and family. It went something like this:
Abigail opened my card for me.

After church, we went to Frances Slocum State Park where Caden had a great time at the playground.

On to a picnic lunch.

Caden found a tree to inspect.

Finally, we went on a little hike by the lake.
(Isn't she beautiful?)
Caden had a great time throwing sticks into the lake.
Caden with his walking stick/fishing pole, at least that's what he wanted it to be. He kept asking to go fishing. Abigail started ripping her hat off and giggling about it after this picture.

The day wrapped up with the pajama clad kiddos visiting with Nana and Papa.
This was a "hand" made gift that Caden made with his teacher, Mr. John. The flower part is his hand print.

In My Opinion

This is such a funny, sweet story (and true too). I highly recommend it!
(The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels - A Love Story by Ree Drummond)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Caden has been having a good time lately with some "activities" as we call them that I got off the blog I have liked on the side of my blog I Can Teach My Child.

This was a fun way to practice numbers/counting...as long as they don't try to peel the stickers off like Caden does.
And this one is separating little pictures from magazines into "people" or "things". I later added "places" to the pile of pictures, and he just flew right through the pile. He asked to do this one over and over again.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Abby's Checkup

Abby had her well-baby visit last week, and guess what...she didn't grow much at all. I actually wasn't surprised. So she's now on a "weight gaining program" just like her brother. I'm not sure what happens between months 9 and 12 with my kids! Oh well, she's great other than that. Here are her stats:

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 16 lbs. 10.2 oz.

I almost forgot...while we were waiting for the doctor to come in, Abby was giving me high fives, I was pretending they hurt, and she would giggle. Anyhow, after she got bored with that, we counted the Tinker Bell stickers on the wall. There were five, so I kept saying, "five, five". Next thing I know, she slaps me in the face. I think she wanted to give me five and since my hand wasn't out, my face was the next best thing.


You can't really tell by these pictures, but she was just spinning and giggling like crazy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Where's Caden?

This is where I thought he would be...
and this is where I found him:
I knew it was just a matter of time until he napped under his bed.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Before Easter

Ok, here's the last of Easter pictures!

The Easter Bunny also went to Nana and Papa's house and brought hooded towels for Caden and Abigail.

Mammy, Abby, and her beloved bunny.
GG was singing a "do-do-do" song, and Abigail just turned and stared.

We then went to "down town" Newky for their annual egg hunt. Caden waited patiently for it to start.
Abby just hung out.
Caden, our cousin, Bryce, and Jason

Abby liked this sparkly blue egg.
Our other cousin, Terry.

Isn't Bryce such a cutie??
Father and son
(Mike and Bryce)

Then for some bird watching at Mammy's feeders hanging right outside the kitchen window.

And finally, some egg decorating.

Abby had a great time watching :)