Our smiley little girl turned 3 months yesterday! We just love having her around.
As a way to celebrate her 3 month birthday (actually it just worked out that way), my friend, Mary Lou, and I took her on her first shopping trip. Of course she was great the whole time.
Some things about Abby:
- She wakes up in the morning cooing, and as soon as she sees me, she gives me a big smile. What a way to start the day.
- She loves having her brother sing to her. She was fussing the other day and I asked Caden to sing. As soon as he started she stopped fussing. Then he would run over to me and say, "I made her stop crying," which would make her cry again because he left. This little "game" continued for awhile.
- She's starting to notice and explore with her hands more. The other day she was rubbing her Boppy after nursing which has polka dots all over it. It was like she wanted to pick them up.
- She enjoys sucking on the knuckle of her pointer finger and sometimes her thumb.
- I think she's going to discover her feet soon; she keeps kicking them up and will sometimes grab a hold.
- She loves to eat her dress or whatever she can get a hold of and pull up to her mouth.
- She fits a lot of her 3-6 mo. clothes at 3 mo...I hope they last what's left of the summer.
- She wakes up in the morning cooing, and as soon as she sees me, she gives me a big smile. What a way to start the day.
- She loves having her brother sing to her. She was fussing the other day and I asked Caden to sing. As soon as he started she stopped fussing. Then he would run over to me and say, "I made her stop crying," which would make her cry again because he left. This little "game" continued for awhile.
- She's starting to notice and explore with her hands more. The other day she was rubbing her Boppy after nursing which has polka dots all over it. It was like she wanted to pick them up.
- She enjoys sucking on the knuckle of her pointer finger and sometimes her thumb.
- I think she's going to discover her feet soon; she keeps kicking them up and will sometimes grab a hold.
- She loves to eat her dress or whatever she can get a hold of and pull up to her mouth.
- She fits a lot of her 3-6 mo. clothes at 3 mo...I hope they last what's left of the summer.