Monday, July 19, 2010

Potty Training

It's been about a month that we've been doing some serious potty training wearing only "trainers" during the day. Surprisingly it's going well (I really hope I didn't just jinx us by saying that). This morning was the second dry overnight diaper - still using those just in case. It's been quite amusing to say the least. When he says, "I have to go to the potty!" Jason and I drop what we are doing and we all run for the bathroom which is a little tight for 3 people. I've been enjoying watching Jason move so quickly, especially in the morning when Caden first wakes up :) We keep telling Caden that everyone is so proud of him, so now he says the Quaker Oats guy is, "so proud of me" along with the frogs on my pj's and some of his toys. He says the funniest things sometimes too. I hope it continues to go well.


Marisa said...

Yay! I am glad it is going so well! Good Job, Caden!

Marisa said...

Love the new top picture of Abby too!

Dolores said...

Good Luck! Hope it continues to go well!!