Saturday, February 26, 2011

3 Year Wait

This cute little outfit was a gift from one of the teachers Jason works with. Even though it's green, I thought it was a little "girly". So, it was hanging in the closet for almost 3 years until I found it the other day. It was worth the 3 year wait :)

She didn't care for the hood.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Love for Snow

Like I've said, this kid just LOVES the snow/being outside! I love that I can go out with him this year, since I wasn't able last year. We got a decent about this past Monday, but that didn't slow him down. He figured out that it was easier to crawl than walk. He likes to do this little shimmy/backwards crawl down the hill, quite funny to watch. The best part though is when we are getting ready to come in, and he looks at his reflection in the window and says, "Look at how cute I am!" I wonder where he's heard that?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

3 Fingers

I can't believe we have less than
"3" weeks until Caden turns...

(oops, you are 2 now...)
(as you can see, it takes a lot of concentration to get those 3 fingers up)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Abby Reading

I love seeing her with a book...

even if she's reading upside down.

Monday, February 21, 2011


no tongue
Good try Caden!

I see you!

Abby had a good time peeking around the corner at Aunt Erin last weekend when they came to visit.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Here are some videos of Abby having fun with Daddy that I'm just finally posting from a month ago.

(recorded on 1/15)

(recorded on 1/18)
I think Daddy had just as much fun as Abby.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Abby has learned to splash. How did I forget this from last time? I think being soaked once again refreshed my memory...

Abby has also started an army crawl. She can get herself up on her hands a knees and wiggles and giggles, but flops right down. She's doing pretty well with the army crawl but doesn't go too far with it.

Caden at the Dentist's

Caden had his first trip to the dentist last Wednesday! He seemed pretty nervous at the beginning and sat on my lap the whole time. He did very well, though he did pinch his lips together for a few seconds for the hygienist and dentist at first. He even let them clean the top front teeth after they counted all 20. We were told everything looked good. I found out his favorite color (at least that day) was red, so he got a sugar free red lollipop and a red toothbrush.

Watching TV - highlight of the whole trip
(My husband told me the day before that it would be weird to take my camera to the dentist, so I made sure no one was around when I took the pictures. That way only my friends and family know how weird I am.)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's A Plant

Caden brought this out to the kitchen the other day and said, "Look Mom, it's a plant!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine Craft

I found this really cute (and free!) yarn Valentine craft in February's Family Fun edition.
Start with cutting strips of yarn into foot-long pieces. We used whatever yarn we had, so we ended up with blue and purple hearts.

Caden sat and played with the yarn the whole time...ended up being a Mommy and Daddy craft. He didn't want to get his hands all yucky!
Then, dunk the yarn into the glue:
Combine 1/4 cup of cornstarch and 1/2 cup of water in a saucepan and stir until smooth. Heat the mixture until it's thick and translucent. Allow to cool to the touch. If the mixture gets too gellike, stir in 1/4 cup of hot water. You can store this glue in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Pick up the piece and run it between thumb and forefinger to remove the excess glue.
Place a heart-shaped cookie cutter on the shiny side of a piece of parchment paper (thanks Kim for letting us borrow your papery). Lay the yarn inside the cookie cutter. Repeat with other pieces until the yarn fills the heart shape in a thin layer. With clean hands (this was Jason's part), press the yarn flat. Gently life off the cookie cutter and allow the yarn to dry hard, at least a day.
This was my favorite yarn to use.

Then when Erin and my mom came to visit this past weekend, we finished using up the glue. Erin didn't care to get her hands yucky either.
And this is what Caden was doing while we were finishing up this craft.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fun with a Curtain

These photos started out as just the kids watching Daddy clean off the deck...that was until Abby found the curtain.

I LOVE this one!

Another favorite!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Abby's Checkup

Abby had her 9 month well baby visit on Tuesday evening. She's doing well, but her weight is only in the 10th %tile (you wouldn't guess that if you saw her thighs :). Her height is right around 50th %tile. She handled the finger prick really well (much better than her brother :). Here are her stats:

Weight: 16 lbs. 8.8 oz.
Height: 27.5 inches

I just found a link to the growth chart for girls if anyone is HERE.

Indoor Ice Skating

I saw this idea on my new favorite blog to check out (I Can Teach My Child! - thanks Lori for recommending this site). I thought it looked simple enough and fun. We both had a great time, though I might have enjoyed myself a little more :)

All you need is some magazine pages and masking tape.
He fell.
Testing out different rugs...his lion rug didn't work as well.

I think he discovered a hole in mine...still works even with holes!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our Sweet Girl

What a smile!
I guess she wanted you to see all 7 teeth.

Caden's shirt

The artist and his daughter.
Jason made this shirt for Caden...if you can see it's Caden's name on the left and then the mirror image of it on the right. Anyhow, I don't know what happened to it when Caden was this size, but at least we found it in time for Abby!

Sore Heart

Yesterday, at breakfast, Caden was playing with his spoons (he'll play with anything). Anyhow, apparently they had just been reunited and they were saying how much they missed each other. Then the one spoon said, "My heart was sore." How does he come up with these things???

Monday, February 7, 2011

Too Bright?

Maybe her room was too bright?

(I of course checked to make sure she could breathe OK, and since she was resting on both hands, she was fine...and sound asleep)