The Grandma Book of the Month Club (GBMC) is back again for Abigail! My mom gave Caden a book each month for the first year of his life, and now the club has started back up for Abby. For her first month she received:
Wow, 2 months old already! She had her 2 month appointment today. She did pretty well with the shots. She didn't even cry after the first one...but the second one wasn't fun. She was a little fussy in the evening, but not too bad. She now weighs 10 lbs. 14.2 oz. (53rd %tile) and is 23.75 in (92 %tile - or a "long baby" as her Dr. said).
Abby spends her days either smiling and cooing at us or her bugs on her bouncer (as seen above) or just giving me really intense looks like when she was in her swing. She is awake a LOT more now, which is really nice. Her brother has been talking to her more lately which she really enjoys. She also enjoys turning in a complete circle while at her play gym. She loves to sleep on her left side with her head extended all the way back - doesn't look comfortable to me but whatever works for her! I'm letting her go 6 hours between meals at night which means I feed her at 10 p.m., 4 a.m., and then we get up around 7:30 a.m. She is just such a good baby! We're so lucky.
Yesterday, Caden went to see his first movie at the theaters, Toy Story 3, with his Nana and Papa. I wasn't sure that he would sit through the whole thing, but they said he was perfect. We've been watching Toy Story and Toy Story 2 since they've been on lately, and he really enjoys them too. I'm glad he had such a good time! The only thing he really said about the movie was that it was loud.
On Thursday, Caden was flipping through a JCPenney ad and stopped at the baby/kid clothes section. He enjoys looking at shoes, so he asked me what type of shoes they were wearing. The older kids were wearing flip-flops, sandals, and sneakers which he said were just plain shoes. Then he pointed to the babies and asked what they were wearing. I said they had bare feet, and his response was, "They aren't bears Mom, they are babies!" Silly me!
I put this title in quotes because I guess for his age/size, these really aren't swimming pools :) He still has a good time in them though. He went swimming at his Aunt Ju-Ju's this past weekend and had a blast.
He really liked dipping his head in the water which is funny because he doesn't like having water poured over his head in the tub.
He had a great time trying to get GG wet. He was successful once or twice.
Today was Caden's 4th morning in his big boy bed. I'm happy/shocked to say that when we get him up in the morning, he's still in bed! The same goes for his nap. It's like he thinks he can't get out until we come it was in his crib. It's OK with us that he thinks this way :) I'm sure it won't last.
Last weekend I was able to paint Caden's new room (Olympic's Highland Meadow). We've been talking about the "green room" (such a creative name...since that's the color of the carpet) becoming his new bedroom with a big boy bed for a while now. He seemed to be excited about the idea. Then we worked on decorating, and it was finally ready for occupancy yesterday. We tried him out for a nap first to see how that would go. He actually napped in the bed! So, we figured he could handle the night, and I'm happy to say everything went smoothly! We're so proud of him; I can't believe how quickly he's growing up. Now onto potty training...
Caden discovering where all his toys are.
Jason got the idea to use the top level of the Army foot locker (Caden's toy box) as an under the bed "drawer" to keep toys in. It works great!
I wanted him to lie with me, but he was more interested in jumping over my legs.
Pretending to nap.
Actually napping.
All rested and ready to play the next day. This was my bed when I was a kid. My dad built it. You may remember the awesome comforter from my mom for Caden's birthday. It's soooo colorful! I love it.
Today, while taking a walk with his dad, Caden heard a dog barking. He turned to Jason and said, "D-O-G gone" (not sure why he said gone). Jason had him repeat it to make sure he heard right, and sure enough, he spelled dog again (thanks Word World on PBS).
Other Caden things: - Lately he's been saying, "I love you too" when we say I love you to him. The other night he came up to me and gave me a hug. Then he said, "I love you too, Abby." I think he meant Mommy... - Yesterday I asked him to read to me. He said he that he couldn't do it because "I'm just a kid!" - He likes to dip his foods while eating. Some examples - egg salad sandwich into yogurt (thumbs down), peanut butter and jelly into yogurt (thumbs up), waffle into applesauce (thumbs up). - He's been asking us to cover him up like a baby for naps and bedtime and then lay him down like a baby. All we do is just wrap him up and lay him on his back.
Yup, she's on her side. She actually rolled onto her side for the first time at around 3 days old. I got a picture of it but somehow lost the picture. This was taken on 6/6. I think this was her third time on her side...that I know of at least.
Normally I wouldn't call Caden a "stuffed shirt", but in this case it fits. Notice he is wearing his swimming trunks...he picked out his outfit that day. He has tried to put his swimming trunks on just about every day, all on his own.
The same woman my mom bought the pink bouncer from also sold us this portable crib. It's the perfect size between the bassinet and a regular crib (which Caden is still currently in), and it fits in our room. Again, I'm so glad she can sleep anywhere. She's had a wide variety of places to sleep lately.
Yea! It's finally yard sale season once again. I honestly get so excited when it's the weekend and there are yard sales to go to...I know, kinda lame. So far I found a bunch of clothes for Abby and so have my mom and Carole. This past weekend though, I found this great painting for $1 (framed and everything). What is even greater, is the story behind it. I noticed a little sticker on the back that said, "Verve Verta Studio". I decided to google it, and discovered it was painted by a person with a disability. The studio is located in Wilkes-Barre. Here's the link to their blog if you want to check it out - . It must be an older one though; I couldn't find a match to any of the artists there now. I really liked it to begin with, but I like it even more knowing where it came from.
I found these pictures from 5/8 that I realized I never posted. Hard to believe that was a whole month ago. Anyhow...I just love the progression from facing me to facing her brother as soon as she realized he was next to her.