Friday, June 11, 2010

"D-O-G Gone"

Today, while taking a walk with his dad, Caden heard a dog barking. He turned to Jason and said, "D-O-G gone" (not sure why he said gone). Jason had him repeat it to make sure he heard right, and sure enough, he spelled dog again (thanks Word World on PBS).

Other Caden things:
- Lately he's been saying, "I love you too" when we say I love you to him. The other night he came up to me and gave me a hug. Then he said, "I love you too, Abby." I think he meant Mommy...
- Yesterday I asked him to read to me. He said he that he couldn't do it because "I'm just a kid!"
- He likes to dip his foods while eating. Some examples - egg salad sandwich into yogurt (thumbs down), peanut butter and jelly into yogurt (thumbs up), waffle into applesauce (thumbs up).
- He's been asking us to cover him up like a baby for naps and bedtime and then lay him down like a baby. All we do is just wrap him up and lay him on his back.


Marisa said...

Jen Sirota was telling me about that show and said that Bryan has learned to spell some words from it. Anna still has no interest in the TV so I got her some Word World books and she loves them!

Dolores said...

Great that he is learning to spell. Caden has some unique tastes in food.