My mom bought the kids one those "As Seen on TV" Butterfly Kits. No one in the house is too crazy about creepy crawly it was an interesting experience! I had wanted to post these pictures each time something happened, but time just got away from me!
It only took a few days for the little critters (whom we lovingly names Pokey, Prickles, Quillian, and Needleroozer...after a book the kids have) to arrive by mail (on 5/17). Caden was so excited, he ran up the driveway (shaking the container) and shouted, "They're here...they're here!" Wonder what the neighbors thought??
Another good picture of how bad they are at sharing. The little guys probably got shook up again then too.
Finally, we were able to open the box, read the info (that happened to say, "don't shake the container"), and take a look at our new house guests. They were both VERY interested in them.
They started off as teeny tiny things, but they quickly grew into nice big caterpillars (5/21) thanks to the food that's already in the container for them. They were quite easy as caterpillars.
Just 4 days later, they were all wrapped up in their chrysalises. You can see our bonus caterpillar that hatched once we got the caterpillars. I decided to just let him roam outside since I wouldn't be able to keep the other guys in the little container once they were close to hatching. I hope he made it!
I then transferred the chrysalises to the little tent. One fell off, which I placed on the bottom of the tent, and luckily he ended up being just fine.
Finally, the day came when all of them "hatched" into beautiful butterflies (5/30). I think it was over the course of 2 or 3 days to take all 4 to come out. Of course we didn't see this part of the process. Most of them did it over night, but the one I looked over and it was still wrapped up, and then the next time I looked it was out.
Once they were all out, we decided to release them that evening. We called our neighbors to come join us too. Ethan stayed in the background, but Ella was really curious! As you can see, Abby was just as into it as Caden was.
(One flew away...that's what Caden's looking at.)
They were too quick for me to take a picture of once they were released, but if you look closely you can see the little black speck towards the bottom middle of the picture, you'll be able to see Needleroozer take flight! Overall, it was a fun experience and one we'll probably do again! Thanks, Mammy!