Monday, June 25, 2012


Me:  Abigail, when are you going to use the potty?
Abby:  Morrow (tomorrow) - this is her answer every time

After Jason talked with her...
Me:  Abigail, when are you going to use the potty?
Abby:  Lie (July) - little does she know that July is in just a few days

So, that's the story...we'll be hopefully starting to potty train in July.  I have a feeling she's going to be tougher than Caden to train.  We'll see :)


Lori said...

Lily has been much harder with potty training! Aidan was so easy and she is being very stubborn about the whole process. Good luck!

Dolores said...

Good luck with the PT. They say girls are easier. I guess you will be testing that theory in July!!