Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Caden's 3rd Birthday Party

I'm finally posting pictures from Caden's birthday party this past weekend. He told me his favorite part was the cake! I know he enjoyed having all the family there too.

We started off the day with Christmas presents from Pappy D since we haven't seen him since the Saturday after Thanksgiving. He's having a good time with this bear mask.
Another Christmas present.
Caden hid under the kitchen table to get away from the Daddy bear.
Mr. Stylish with the jeans jacket.
Having his first look at a Nintendo with Kara and Katlyn.
Abby and Mammy hanging out. Abby was sooo good (as usual) with everyone there...she went to everyone and anyone.
Enjoying some hoagies for lunch.
Abby and Aunt Ju-Ju
Present Time!
Where's Caden?

A new game.
Beach toys...getting ready for our vacation!
Sunglasses...more beach fun.
Another new game.
I love that he's at the age to play games now.
Abby and Papa
Abby and Uncle Brooks (hard to tell he's a Michigan fan isn't it?) and Amanda
Aunt Peggy never ceases to amaze!
He just tried to get his mouth on the cake in this picture. When people yelled, he said, "Oh, oh, oh!" like he knew he shouldn't have tried.
It looks like we squashed the poor little LGM guy under the cake.
A closer look at Katlyn's Nintendo.
Abby and Aunt Missy
Talk about relaxed!
Abby and GG
Notice the tongue...she had her tongue sticking out to the side almost all day and it's still out 4 days later.
Abby and Aunt Erin
(told ya she saw everyone)
Abby and Nana
GG and Caden
Pappy D, Caden, Jason, Erin, Mammy
Me, GG, and Abby
A close up of Abby...again, talk about relaxed! I laugh every time I look at this picture.
I guess we need to work on how to sit in a dress :)
Brooks, Randy, Melissa
Amanda, Justine, Jason, Me
Kara, Christopher
Abby, Nana, Papa, Caden
Katlyn, Katie, Cori, and Matt

Then for the day after his party...
Checking out the train set and table from Pappy D. It only took us about 2 hours with the 3 of us working together to get it together.

Caden and Abby with Pappy D


Dolores said...

Wow what great pictures. Loved the cake. Abby sure did look relaxed and Caden looked like he was having a great time. Nice family pictures!!!

Ali said...

Looks like you had fun! Just wait until he takes the track apart on the train table! We have one and luckily it's easy to put together because Alex always takes it apart!!! Happy Birthday to Caden!!!