This past weekend we all went to Philly to visit Jason's sister, Melissa. We went to the Philadelphia (one of Caden's newest words) Zoo on Saturday. We highly recommend it; it's a really nice zoo. They have a Children's Zoo section which we skipped since it had cows and sheep and such. It was such a beautiful day. Of course Caden is still talking about it. He loves to look at the map and talk about the route we took.
On the way from the Zebra Parking Lot, they had these huge murals painted on the walls under the train overpass. This one actually had a 3D mouth and teeth. 

Our first stop - spider monkeys.
The zoo had a special thing going on called Creatures of Habitat. As you walked throughout the zoo, you could pick up cards with info on different animals. They also had different animals built out of Legos at each station with the cards. It was just an extra bonus. Here, Caden "bought" 5 little Legos to add to this giant picture. His Aunt Missy gave him a hand.

A little shot of Abigail looking around after she ate. She loved being out of her stroller. She was just watching the wind blow through the trees. 
This was our 1st attempt at a family picture in front of the fountain where I fed Abby.
This one turned out better :) Then it was back in the stroller for Abby which she was not happy about. Amazing that they are so opinionated at such a young age.
It's hard to tell since the camera focused on the fence, but this kangaroo is carrying a baby around. The baby is in head first with the feet and tail sticking out. It was so cute. This was the only animal Caden asked to see again, yet he'll tell you the lions were his favorite.
Galapagos Tortoise
Hippos (one of our favorites too).
A happy Abigail with her elephants - which there were none of at the zoo.
Caden rode in his stroller for most of the zoo, but did want to be carried for some. He was sooooo good at the zoo. When we put him in his stroller, we didn't even need to hook him up. He would stop, look at an animal, and then say, "Let's keep looking."
Checking out the Okapi which Caden said looked "kinda like a zebra." He loves to use "kinda like a" when comparing things.
Caden's favorite...the lions.
These peacocks were everywhere. Good picture minus the garbage can which I didn't know was there until later.
This is one of the Lego displays...the turtles are made of Legos.
Checking out some kind of monkey with Aunt Missy.
He was getting pretty tired at this point. He didn't want to look at the camera while in front of the red panda.
A really fast moving camel. They had rides, but we told him he was too little, which I think is actually the truth.
This was my very favorite animal to see. This is a female, only about 14 ft. tall. The males reach up to 18 ft.
We apparently weren't able to look at the camera at the same time.
Meet baby Abigail!
She was born July 17th. The parents are Kristin and Jason. OK, not really, but wouldn't that have been neat?
Caden was taking a peek into the rhino area.
Bearded pigs - interesting animals. Caden still talks about them.
Lego polar bear. He had over 95,000 pieces.
Caden posing on top of a polar bear statue.
Heading back to Aunt Missy's...
Caden desperately wanted to open his new little bucket of little safari animals, but we waited until we got back to Melissa's. It was safer for the animals that way.
Oh, fun!!! I have not been there since I was in elementary school. I'll have to keep it in mind for next summer!
Beautiful. Extraordinary pictures of the family and the animals. I loved the one of Abby watching the trees blow in the wind. Your pictures always make me smile.
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