Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bryce's Visit

My Aunt April, cousin, Amy, and her son, Bryce, came to visit us this past Thursday. Bryce is about 5 weeks older than Abby is. It was really nice having them over. It was fun comparing the size of the babies. Caden kept calling him "Logan" which was the name we had picked out for a boy (and I didn't think we talked about it that much!).
Bryce has the best hair...a natural Mohawk! It was hard getting a clear picture without the flash.

Of course Caden had to hold Bryce.
What a cutie.
At first Abby was amused...

then she had enough! The only time Bryce cried was when he was hungry...which was when we were taking the picture.
Hanging out.
More size comparisons.
Caden got in on the picture taking too...and got bopped on the nose :)
Now they are all smiles.

1 comment:

Dolores said...

I love the pictures. Great ones of Abigail and Bryce. Really cute one of Abigail smiling. Love the one of the three stretched out comparing the sizes. You do a fantastic job. Caden looks so big!!