Thursday, September 10, 2009


Caden had a great time when his cousins, Aunt Justine, and Uncle Randy came to visit last weekend.

"Thanks for the hand Aunt Justine!"


This is pretty much what Caden did the whole time...just stood back and watched all the action.

I love this one with him in the corner watching everything. Watch out, here comes Cori.

It was really nice of Katie to get on the whale with Caden.


"What am I supposed to do?"

"Thanks Uncle Randy!"

I love this one too with Katie.


mom said...

There are some cute pictures here! After all that watching, he'll know just what to do!

Marisa said...

That last picture of Caden walking through the yard with his cousin is so adorable! They look like they are having a deep conversation. =) Maybe they are discussing those red beets he had for dinner........

Dolores said...

Love the pictures. You do such a good job telling the story with pictures.