Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kirby Park

We decided to get out and enjoy the nice weather we had by having a picnic in the park with Jason's parents. We decided on Kirby Park, where I had never been before. It's a nice little park. Just watch out for not so nice bike riders!

Caden actually sat while we long as he had something to eat too.

"Here Mommy, have a clothespin."
A little fussy...he didn't want to fall down.

"What do I do with this?"
"Is this right?"
He actually did put the ball on the racket himself. I smart!
There was a little petting zoo with ponies behind where we ate.

"Look Daddy!"
Here's a little video of Caden with his bubble mower. He's down at the end, but you'll notice he didn't let go!


Marisa said...

How cute! Love how he holds on tight to that mower!

Dolores said...

Wonderful park. Caden really is smart, knowing to put the ball on the racket is no small feat. I love the video of him with the lawn mower. He looks like he is really mowing the grass.