Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cute Cousins

On October 18th, we went to my sister-in-law, Justine's, for the day to celebrate my niece, Cori's, and my nephew, Matt's, birthdays. We also went to Chris's soccer game. Caden wasn't too crazy about the game; maybe it was too loud. Otherwise, Caden had a good time with his cousins. They entertained him the whole time, especially when Chris pulled out the clarinet!

Matt, Caden, Cori, Katie, and Chris

Bottoms Up!

It's a little hard to tell from these pictures, but Caden's new sleeping position guessed it...bottom up! These pictures were taken at the beginning of the month. I thought it was just a fluke, but he's been sleeping like that ever since! I can't see the comfort, but there must be something fun about it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Caden's World

Caden woke up today to his first snowfall! It was quite a surprise to us all. He did actually look out the window for about 5 seconds until something else caught his attention. I can't wait to actually get out there and play with him in the snow. It was better to view it from inside today :).

Caden's newest thing is looking at the world with different views. He loves looking around when he's standing in his walker, but now all of a sudden he's been turning his head different ways. He'll lean to the side, arch his back so he's upside down, lean forward to look down, etc. It's quite amusing to us. I love watching him learn new things; things we take for granted. Want a different look at things? Try upside down (Caden recommends it)!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Bath Time

You thought I was kidding when I said my mom LOVES to take pictures of her grandson! I thought these turned out well, so I thought I'd add them too. They were taken either during or after a little chorus of "Rubber Duckie." It's amazing the songs you can remember from childhood, but not without the help of the internet and a recording of good old Ernie singing!

"What did you say?"
"Hey, those aren't the right words!" "Well, I guess the fun is over for now..."

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Caden's Grandma and Aunt Erin came to visit this past weekend to celebrate my birthday. They brought along a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing (my favorite) that my grandma (Caden's GG) made in my new glass cake pan; a birthday present. GG gets some points for creativity there! It was great having them over, and Caden really enjoyed having them here too. My mom loves to take pictures of her grandson, so here are a few she took this weekend.

Grandma, Caden, & Aunt Erin

"What do you mean we're all out of food?"
"I can put my foot in my mouth...can you Grandma?"

The joys of dressing a 7 month old...

Strike a pose!

"I just love this plastic lid."

Hey KoB...isn't this the Downward Dog?

"Who knew it could be as much fun playing under this thing?"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Library Trip

We made our "tri-weekly" trip to the library today. Caden picked out the books that I have listed along the side...very wise choices if you ask me. I really like I Love You Through and Through. He picks them out by smiling at them when I show them to him. Really, he'll smile at anything. This is the 2nd time we've borrowed The Very Busy Spider; it's a favorite. He loves the animal sounds you have to make in the book. So far he's enjoying them all. He'll let me know if he doesn't like them. It's a little too early for his reviews yet though. I hope he'll continue to love books!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Flashback - Caden through the months

I tried to take a picture of Caden in the same place each month on the 15th. It's like how they recommend taking a picture in the same place every week when you're pregnant to see your growing belly...I think I did that maybe 4 times...

An update on Caden - He kinda sorta started big boy crawling yesterday. He gets up on his hands and knees and will move an arm with a leg at the same time, but just for a very short time. I can't believe how quickly he is growing and changing. I'm so glad to be home with him and not missing anything!



May June


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Breast Cancer Site

Since October is breast cancer awareness month, I thought I would share this website that according to is true. You can sign up (along the left hand side) to get daily reminders sent to your email to help you remember to click every day. Each click helps to fund free mammograms. Visit the other sites by clicking on the tabs along the top.

Flashback - Caden at 6 months

Since I started this blog when Caden was about 6 1/2 months, I thought I would do some flashbacks (or backflashes if your name is Candy) to the first couple months of his life. I'm just going to go back a little this time to Sept. 17th when he was 6 months old. We decided to celebrate his 1/2 birthday with 1/2 a cake. J's parents came over the next evening to help eat the other half of the cake. Somehow that first half was gone within a day...


Nana and Papa brought 4 little books for Caden to read/chomp on and enjoy.

Friday, October 17, 2008


The passing of a year,
Has changed so much.
The birth of my son,
My heart does touch.

We’ve moved farther away
From my family,
Which makes our time together
More precious to me.

I no longer teach
Sixth grade at BMS.
I miss my friends there,
But I don’t miss my desk (a.k.a. The Mess).

There is one thing
That has stayed the same:
My love for my husband,
(Jason is his name.)

Another year older
And wiser am I?
Anyone who knows me,
Knows that’s a lie! :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Acetaminophen Dosage Chart

As I was skimming through Parents magazine again, I found where they offer this acetaminophen (Tylenol) chart based on weight on their website. I could never remember how much his Dr. would say to give, so at least this gives a guidline.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Book of the Month Club

Caden is an official member of the GBMC (Grandma Book of the Month Club). This started on his 1st month b-day, and has continued throughout each month. It's a fun little "tradition" that my mom has started, and we all really enjoy it. Here are her book selections:
1 month old: 'thank you God' For My Family
2 months old: Guess How Much I Love You
3 months old: Two Little Golden Books (didn't know they were still out there), The Jolly Barnyard & The Little Red Hen
4 months old: 'thank you God' For The Wonderful World
5 months old (from Aunt Erin): Baby's First Splash & Johnny Tractor's Fun Farm Day
6 months old: Mommy's Best Kisses & My Daddy and Me
7 months old: Pooh and Eeyore Friends Collection (with a music CD)
Thanks Grandma...I LOVE all the books!!! - Caden

7 Months Old

It's so hard to believe, but Caden is 7 months old today. He also had a Dr. visit today; it kept getting pushed back for his 6 month visit. I don't know if he can remember those shots from visit to visit, but boy did he ever scream! So, it was a rough appt. on all of us. He's a trooper though; he recovered very quickly and was smiling by the time we got home. Here are his stats:
Height: 27.75 in. (75%tile - used to be 95%tile)
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz. (31%tile)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Curious Caden

You all know Curious George and his adventures, but I would like to introduce you to Curious Caden and all that he gets into. He's...
under the coffee table...
after the hand towels...

"falling" out of his chair...

and crawling into his toy box.

Yesterday, he discovered how to pull open the cabinets while in his walker. Luckily the walker kept him from getting into the cabinets. So, Jason's to-do list included running around the kitchen putting the little latches on the cabinets and drawers. Now throwing something away and putting away pots and pans has become quite a chore!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Fun

Yesterday, we went to Roba's Tree Farm in Dalton for some fall fun. They had a pumpkin patch, pig races (at the cabin), a giant corn maze, etc. It was such a beautiful day, and it was a good time had by all. Caden had his first hay ride, called his first pig, touched (and almost ate) hay and corn stalks for the first time, and even saw a reindeer!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Breastfeeding Bonus

Here's a little article I just read in the November issue of Parents magazine. Just something to encourage all you breastfeeding moms out there.

Nursing your baby can boost his IQ, according to the largest randomized trial of breastfeeding ever done. In the study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, moms who got extra nursing support were more likely to exclusively nurse for at least three months and to continue some breastfeeding throughout the first year. Six years later, their children scored several points higher on IQ tests and were rated slightly better by teachers on reading and writing. The difference may be due to brain-building substances found in breast milk such as fatty acids or growth factors or may result from the closer physical and emotional contact that occurs during breastfeeding.

Alarm Clock

Jason woke up today to a chorus of bubble blowing/spitting performed by Caden. I started laughing and then proceeded to join Caden. J didn't laugh along with me, but at least he didn't smack me like he does the alarm clock! What better sound, than the fun little noises of a baby, to wake up to?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Here are just a few pictures of our house from the outside. I have yet to take inside pictures. I'll try to do that and then post them too. The one is a picture of the view we have off our front porch.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Just to explain the picture a little...Caden is in his bouncy seat that he just loves! Once he figured out that he can kick his legs to bounce, he hasn't stopped bouncing! He even tried to bounce in his car seat, but that doesn't really work. Anyhow...I was drying the spatula one morning, and he was watching intently. So, I decided to give it to him, and he gave me a look like, "Wow! Really mom, I can have this!" It's now one of his favorite toys, next to the plastic cottage cheese container!

Bloom Fair

Caden made his first trip (and definitely not the last) to the Bloomsburg Fair on 9/23. I met up with my friends from Bloom, Brad & Lori and their son, Aidan, and Steph. Caden saw his first horse and cow (it's funnier when Mom tries to make the animal sound rather than the real thing). I think his favorite things though were all the lights and sounds. He was so interested in everything he went 2 hours past his normal eating schedule! He got a few hugs from Aidan, but kinda ignored him and stared at a flag blowing in the wind instead. Don't take it personally Aidan, he prefers a ceiling fan to me at times!

Caden's fun tricks

Here are just a few fun things Caden's been up to:
-He can do an army crawl to wherever he wants to go, which means a lot less fussing when toys roll away. He can pull his legs up so he's on his hands and knees, but will just rock and laugh. It'll be any day now.
-He can sit up without falling over for a few minutes but still won't sit up on his own.
-He now has 4 teeth, 2 bottom (all the way out) and 2 top (about half way out).
-He enjoys rice cereal and oatmeal along with peas, beans, sweet potatoes, pears, bananas, and peaches. He wasn't too crazy about carrots.
-He loves to make noise, loves taking baths, loves to chew on anything (including the coffee table, legs of the couch, and his crib), loves to be read to, laughs when people make animal sounds, and loves music (even if it's Mommy singing off key).
He's just a lot of fun to be with!

Sitting up...trying to decide which book to read next.

Army crawling right out of his pants.

First time trying beans...he doesn't really make that face anymore unless it's the first time trying something.

Just showing off his 2 bottom teeth.

Enjoying his jungle book with Daddy.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

2nd attempt

So, this is my second attempt at creating this blog. The first time I typed "arumbleinthehungle" as the site name. Thanks mom for noticing the spelling error! I think it's all good now!


This is my first time blogging - I think that's the word I need to use. I've just started this because I enjoy reading my friends' blogs and thought it would be fun to do. My husband, Jason, came up with the title for this blogspot from the first line in one of Caden's (my son) favorite books. Plus his room is a jungle theme. Ok...that's all for now!