Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy 40th Anniversary!

 Happy 40th Anniversary, Jim and Carole!
We celebrated Jason's parents' anniversary on May 11th (actual date is June 3) by gathering together and going out for dinner, playing the The Newlywed Game (40 years later), and of course eating cake!

Carole and Jim

 Caden took it upon himself to feed Abby.  She was thrilled!
 The whole gang of 18 (almost everyone at least).

 Playing the Newlywed Game

 I think Jim ended up "winning", but it was tough trying to keep score.  They did answer a lot of questions similarly, which was fun.


Jason's sister, Melissa, had this card made, and then she put these same pictures in a frame.  They don't look much different, do they?  Congrats to you both!

1 comment:

Dolores said...

What great pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all. Congrats to them on their 40th!!