Saturday, June 18, 2011

Birthday Parties

The past two weekends, Caden has had two different birthday parties for friends that we met at the library. The first set of pictures were for Jacob's party, and the second set were for Max and Johnny. We had a great time at both!
All ready to go!

He's actually coughing and covering his mouth (not the reason why I took the picture though)...with his pirate mask on.
The boys/pirates :) - the birthday boy has the costume on
He had a blast on this truck...where he was most of the time.
They had water guns for the kids, and Caden had a great time with these too. There was another mother there telling her son, "Just spray the plants and bugs, not adults", so Caden said as I filled up his, "I know mom, just the plants, not adults." Nice that he listens to other moms too (probably better than me sometimes).
Max and Caden
Caden (waiting patiently for cake) and Jacob

The following are Max and Jonny's birthday party:
He sat himself down to take a drink.
I love how Jacob and Caden are standing back, trying to figure out if they want to get wet or not. Luckily only shoes got wet.
Caden LOVED these water balloons (even though it never broke) ...and had a great time tossing to Jacob.

Caden (right in there with the cake) and the birthday boys, Max and Johnny.
We really enjoyed the cake and pumpkin cupcakes!
Caden was so excited for the pinata, but it broke before he got there.
He has trouble remembering to stay in line, so Jacob helped keep a hold of cute!

They also did an egg toss...and the egg never broke either!
Posing with egg in hand.
They each took a turn stomping on it...still didn't break.
Finally Jacob's dad threw it in the air, and it broke when it landed.
Our last event was potato sack races. Caden ended up walking rather than hopping.

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