Thursday, January 13, 2011


These are just a few things Caden says/does that put a smile on my face:

~ After watching Toy Story 3, at the end when Andy's mom is sad that he's leaving for college, I always tell Caden I'm going to be sad when he leaves for college. The other night he said, "I know, you can come with me to college!"

~ He loves playing with his "Humpback Racer" (you might know it as a Bounce Back Racer).

~ When standing at the top of the stairs, he discovered that he can make an echo. Today he said, "Listen Mom, I gecko-ed!"

~ Yesterday after I showed him that Daddy's car was still in the garage due to snow, he was really confused as to where Jason was. We were talking about different possibilities (like Daddy walked to work, or Daddy walked to the store to buy more bananas), he said, "When we're done here, we'll go upstairs to investigate."

~ Yesterday and today he pulled something out to play with, played with it, packed it back up, and then put it back where he got it from all without my saying a word! Amazing! I thought I would never see the day :)

~ If I'm upset with him, he'll say, "Put on a happy face" and then proceed to start singing the song - very hard to not smile!

~ At the end of his bedtime praying I'll either say, "In Jesus' name, Amen" or just, "Amen". If I just say, "Amen" he'll say, "You forgot the Jesus part" and then say, "Jesus' name is Jesus, Amen".


Marisa said...

Soooo cute! I just love the things little ones come up with! I think some of the best conversations I have anymore are with Annalise!

Brian, Tawnee, Avery and Caitlin said...

So cute. Avery says the same thing if we just say "Amen." He says "you forgot Jesus name!"

Dolores said...

Adorable. "Out of the mouths of babes."