Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Part 1

Our Halloween was in 3 parts this year. Our first celebration was actually at the library last Wednesday with Toddler Time. I didn't get any pictures from then, but I did take some that night at the Halloween Party with the Family Center. Caden actually had 2 costumes that fit him this year, so he went as a giraffe first.

This really isn't a great picture...but...they did a little parade around the building, and I had them stop quick.'s the back of the costume.
I tried to get a shot with the hood up, but there was just too much to look at.
Happy ladybug Abby
Stuffed into her car seat...but still happy!

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Love the giraffe costume; really cute. Abby seems to always be smiling. She smiles so wide, her little chubby cheeks are scrunched up. Really cute.