Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Really Cool Car"

Our very generous neighbors gave Caden yet another toy their son has outgrown...a battery powered Hummer. Caden loves just sitting in it and playing. They had also given us a helmet that's a little big, but we still use it for when he's in his "really cool car."

Jason had it charged, but he ended up pushing since Caden didn't quite get the hang of stepping on the pedal.


Dolores said...

Abby looks pretty in her pink. The Hummer looks really great. Hope he enjoys it as much as my son enjoys his. He will soon be motoring all over with it.

Ali said...

Maybe Alex and Caden can go on a ride together. Her Nana got her a Pink Powerwheels Jeep for her birthday - but we are giving it to her this weekend! Hope to read more about his driving adventures!