Friday, March 19, 2010

The Vote is In

Jason has been talking about voting with his students lately, so last week he had them take a vote on us having a girl or a boy. The results were 12 for boy and 8 for girl. As part of the lesson, they had to come up with reasons for why they were voting a certain way. The came up with some good ones like - we already have the clothes and toys for a boy, so that's why they think we are having a boy - OR - we have a boy already, that's why they think we are having a girl. Very impressive for 3rd graders!


Dolores said...

How cute! I love their reasoning.

Renee said...

Thinking about you lately! I hope all is well in preggo-land. :) Can't wait to hear what it is. Crossing my fingers for a girl. :)