Friday, March 19, 2010

Sesame Stree Live

Last Friday (3/12), Caden and I went to see Sesame Street Live with our neighbors, Kim and Ella. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to keep hold of him, so I used the umbrella stroller to get in. It wasn't too full, so everything worked out. The seat kept popping up on him, but he didn't seem to mind. I did not take my camera because I figured it was just something else to worry about (yup, I'm a worrier), but luckily Kim had hers and was willing to share these pictures. Thanks Kim!
Before we left - showing off his Oscar shirt

This was our attempt at getting the kids to look at the camera at the same time. Caden is smiling...just at someone else. We all had a great time. Caden still talks about wanting to see Sesame Street Live...I have to keep reminding him that was just one day.


Marisa said...

Love it! Looks like a great time!

Dolores said...

Great pictures. Looks like a lot of fun!!!