Friday, December 31, 2010

Grandma's Gift

Each year there seems to be a gift I get excited about giving. This year my grandma was the lucky recipient. I normally wouldn't give something old/used as a gift, but I guess there sometimes is an exception to the rule. Here's a little background: My grandparents have had 2 cookie jars that say "The Cracker Barrel" on them (nothing to do with the restaurant) since before I was born - so we're talking over 30 years. Well...I broke one back in September trying to keep two little 2-year-old hands off of them. So then the search began. I wanted to get another cookie jar that was similar, knowing the chances of finding the exact one would be tough...but thanks to ebay, they have a pair once again.

*side note - I just found out that the one I broke said "The Cookie Jar", not "The Cracker Barrel" - oh well...

She just said, "Is it the same one?!"

Caden had to come verify that it was the same :)
"New" one on the left, old on the right.
Someone was a little sad that I asked him to stop playing for a quick picture.
Abby was really interested in who was holding her.

Sibling Love

(taped on 12/20)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas at Home

Christmas morning...yup Santa got the cookies/milk and carrots/water for his reindeer.

I realized afterward that I took only video of the kids opening here are some of the aftermath.

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Christmas Eve (Part 2)

After Jason's family left, Caden walked around the house holding his new magnifying glass (which he said, "just what I wanted" when he opened it) and saying, "It's big!" If only I had a dollar for every time he said that...

Then he became a "garbage collector" as he said with Abby's new turtle toy bin, walking around collecting all of Abby's toys.
Getting ready for Santa...Abby's first look at Santa's plate.
This picture still makes me laugh...notice the bowl of water (for the reindeer) along the left hand side. Abigail and Caden were peeking onto the counter to look at Santa's plate with cookies (he got real cookies this year compared to animal crackers last year) for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Well, Abby discovered the bowl and quickly grabbed it before we realized it, spilling all its contents onto the floor. This for some reason made Caden burst into tears.
Water all cleaned up, tears wiped dry, and we are prepared for Abby's grabbing hands.
Checking on Santa's key.
Abby all ready for her bedtime meal sporting her Santa pj's.
The stockings are hung!
Thanks again Mrs. Boyer for Abigail's we each have a personalize one. I love these stockings!
I sneaked down after Santa came and grabbed a quick picture.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Abigail at 8 Months

Who's 8 months old today???

Abigail continues to be as sweet as ever. She's still working on sitting up; she's not quite there yet. She looks like she's ready to crawl and will kick her legs and push herself up on her hands, but that's as far as she gets. That's OK with me! Jason will pull up her legs to get ready to crawl, and she thinks that's hilarious. She's still a great napper, taking two 1.5-2 hour naps a day and sleeping all night long. She finally likes carrots (along with everything else I've given her) though I haven't tried bananas again yet. She had a tendency to gulp her water, so I have to keep an eye on her. She just recently figured out how to hold it up to her mouth all on her own. Getting a tag into her mouth is still one of her main goals in life :) We love you Abby!Happy 8 Month Birthday sweet girl!
(all new Christmas toys except the links)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve (Part 1)

As usual Christmas has come/still is coming in many parts this year. It began on Christmas Eve when Jason's parents and sister, Melissa, came to exchange gifts.

Abigail and her first gift ever. She loved grabbing the paper, ripping it, and immediately putting it in her mouth...she's really fast too!

Caden had a "Toy Story Christmas" this year...lots of really nice Toy Story themed gifts.
Checking out his binoculars with Papa.
Pretty clothes for Abby from Aunt Missy.
These are the animal name tags Jason's mom made. Each of her grandkids are connected to an animal. Caden is a frog and Abby is a seahorse.
Caden was right there willing to give Abby a hand.
Checking out his Rex flashlight with Nana.
Quick shot with Aunt Missy and snake.
Abby's new rolling drum.

Of course he had to see how Rex worked right away.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Craft

This year for his craft, Caden put together a foam nativity scene. It was quite easy to do, and he seemed to have a good time.

Abigail also had a good time watching us.

The finished product.
(We hope everyone is having a great Christmas Eve!)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Card Bloopers

getting set up

This was a pretty good one.
Oops...sorry Abby!
She loved chewing on her dress.
This one makes me laugh...
and this one is just too funny.