Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Story Garden

When we finished walking through the zoo...we ventured over to the Discovery Center that's in the same area as the zoo. We were getting pretty tired, so we actually didn't go in the building. Outside though, they had "The Story Garden" that you could walk through for free. I think that was my favorite part of the trip!

The general point of the garden is to stop at different mailboxes and read the stories, but we didn't take the time to do that.
This was the first little house they had that you could walk into. They even had books in there to read...

and a little table to sit at.

This picutre explains the picture at the top of the blog.

Jason walked through a tunnel with Caden. I guess it was more Caden's size :)

This was the other little house, actually the 3 bears' house (a little less girly).

They had the neatest paintings on the inside walls of the cabin. All in all, it was just a really nice place to go to.


Dolores said...

This looks like a really neat place. Your pictures are great. Caden looks like he was really interested in everything.

Marisa said...

Looks like a really neat place!