Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fun with Water

We decided to create our own water table for Caden on Sunday. Here he is waiting patiently to go outside with his cute sun hat...

which Daddy thought was a little dorky, so he put on his bug hat.

Our make shift water table is a little tub with water that we put on his picnic table...he was happy.

This was the free picnic table I picked up from a neighbor down the street.
(I decided to put a shirt on him to help block the sun - didn't match the shorts, but oh well!)

Daddy tried putting him in...

but he got right back out.


Marisa said...

Love the makeshift water table. Good idea! I don't think the sun hat was dorky at all...but of course I am partial to the bug hat too! Adorable swim trunks!

Dolores said...

Caden looks so cute in his dorky hat. Good idea to try him in the water table. Maybe you should heat the water.