Saturday, February 28, 2009

Caden's on the move (still)!

Here are 2 short clips of Caden's practice. I love how he waits for his Daddy to say "Action!" before he starts moving on the second one. Notice how he glances at the camera...just to make sure I'm filming. His prize in the second video is Daddy's slipper (he loves shoes and slippers)!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Cup & A Lion

It seems like Caden thinks his sippy cup with handles is much more fun to fling than drink from. So, I tried a "big boy cup" and he actually drank most of the watered juice.

This isn't the best picture...he kept moving, but he discovered the other day that the animals from his Noah's Ark toy have holes on the bottom. Perfect for a thumb!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I think I taught him correctly how to sign "more". He thinks it means "Cheerio", but that's OK for now :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Caden's Fun

"I wonder if I can smash my nose any more..."

"Yep...I'm really smashing it now!"

"Smashing the nose...with no hands."

"Yeah, I'm good."

Friday, February 20, 2009

Caden's Tongue :)

I noticed something just yesterday and today too. Caden can flip his tongue sideways. Is that an inherited trait? Neither Jay nor I can do that! I can curl it, which I know is a recessive trait, but not flip it!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby Steps and Lollipop Sticks

I just love the sound of Caden laughing, so I thought I'd share more footage. What's so funny? A plastic lollipop stick. I love how he glances at the camera.

Caden update: He took his first steps today. He took two steps from his walking toy to the coffee table. Then a little later he took three steps from the couch to the loveseat where I was sitting! I can't believe how quickly he's growing up.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Standing...umm...Leaning Tall

"Look at me!"
Caden enjoys standing and leaning against things, like a wall or the couch. It's so much easier than standing on your own!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Happy 30th Birthday Daddy!
Thanks for playing with me today, Daddy. I had a fun time with you like usual. Mommy's sorry she burnt some of your blueberry birthday pancakes...the blueberry syrup was good though (or so I've heard)! I can't believe you're 30 and I'm going to be 1.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

11 months old

Our baby is 11 months old today!
11 things you can do:
1. entertain yourself through church by eating Cheerios almost the whole time
2. make new "friends" just by smiling at them
3. feed yourself peas (which can be a little tricky)
4. turn on your music player that hangs in your crib
5. "sit like a big boy" in a chair or on the couch...for a few seconds
6. burp really well...almost as well as your mommy :)
7. stand for a few seconds without holding on to anything
8. point to things and hand me things like a diaper or wipe
9. find the remote hidden behind the pillow every time
10. drink from a sippy cup (as long as the watered down juice is room temperature)
11. put a smile on your mommy and daddy's face whenever you're around

Book Club

Caden's 11th addition to the GBMC (previoustly mentioned HERE) came with 4 little finger puppets of a frog, an elephant, a lion, and a hippopotamus. Caden laughes every time we put them on. This books is titled Frog on a Log by Phil Roxbee Cox.

Thanks Grandma for the book...I love playing with the flaps!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Frozen Renaissance Faire

We decided to fight the cold and get out a little today. The Clarks Summit Festival of Ice is going on this weekend...a good way to celebrate the cold. There were over 50 different ice sculptures to view. All of our noses got a little red, but other than that, it wasn't too bad. Caden seemed to have a good time. We warmed up for a few minutes inside a really nice store where we heard Ancient Folk and Renaissance music on the harp and violin. They were really good!

A horse and carriage ride...the line was too long to wait.

By the way...Caden found my heart...

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

(This is what I found on our coffee table this morning.)

Caden's enjoying his big 3-D valentine from Grandma:

Thanks GG and G Pap, Grandma, Aunt Erin, Pappy D, and Nana and Papa for my Valentines!! - Caden

I almost forgot...thanks Grandma & Aunt Erin for my Valentine book too!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Since I no longer have a chalkboard to write this on...

Happy 200th Birthday President Lincoln!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Look at these curls!
This happens after his hair is washed. He's actually lost a little curl at this point; it's very curly right afterwards. By the way, it's very difficult to get a picture of the back of a baby's head :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Big Boy Car Seat

Our boy's growing up. We've finally moved to the big boy car seat. We were really running out of room for Caden plus a coat in the infant seat. We also used the cart cover we got for him for the first time this weekend. He leaned forward until he got used to it...then he wanted to turn around and see where we were going. He's a good little shopper.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Green Bean is Not My Color

My once "eat anything" baby has now turned into a "won't eat anything unless it's banana flavored" baby. I was literally wearing green beans today because he spit out every bite; actually, he would start spitting before I even got the spoon out of his mouth. I just combined the bananas and green beans on one spoon, and he gobbled that right up (sounds yummy, right?). Anyone have any creative ideas to get a now somewhat picky eater to eat? (to tell me your idea, just click on the word "comment" below the post)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rare Sight

It is such a rare sight to see Caden lying on his back. I had to move quickly to get these 3 shots. His hair's getting long...can you tell?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Boy and an Orange

Look at the size of this orange; it's about the size of a grapefruit. Caden could hardly pick it up. His eyes got big (as did mine when I first saw the size) while I was holding it, so I let him explore. I didn't actually let him eat the tiny little bite he took out of the skin.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Friends and Family

I got a little dose of friends and family this weekend. We went to my mom's house, and surprisingly I didn't take many pictures there. I did get a few with a Pringles container though. I know it looks like I give him these cheap things just to see if he'll play with them, but he'll stare at them like they are so I can't not give them to him! Then I got together with an "old" friend (just kidding...we're not old!) from high school, Tiff. It was good to see her and get out a little too :)