Friday, February 6, 2009

Green Bean is Not My Color

My once "eat anything" baby has now turned into a "won't eat anything unless it's banana flavored" baby. I was literally wearing green beans today because he spit out every bite; actually, he would start spitting before I even got the spoon out of his mouth. I just combined the bananas and green beans on one spoon, and he gobbled that right up (sounds yummy, right?). Anyone have any creative ideas to get a now somewhat picky eater to eat? (to tell me your idea, just click on the word "comment" below the post)


Dolores said...

If mixing with bananas works, keep it up. May not sound good to you, but people in other parts of the world eat things we would never dream of putting near our mouths. I am a proponent of, if it works, keep on doing it.

Anonymous said...

Like your new border, Kristin! I agree with Splane...however he eats it.....