Sunday, October 30, 2011

Caden Update

It's been a while since I've mentioned what Caden's been up here we go:
- He's taking naps every once in a great while now, but he still has a "rest" time in his room where he has to stay there until his CD stops playing (about 40 min.). It works really well...if he stays in his room. In the picture above, he came down stairs after the music was off, joined his dad for football, and you can see the end result. Football puts me to sleep too :)
- Last month, when we had the hurricane winds, he said, "Wow, it's really winding out there!"
- Today he was singing I've Been Working on the Railroad and at the end he sang, "strumming on the old man Joe" rather than "strumming on the old banjo". I got a good laugh out of that one.
- He has trouble with some his mind lots of words begin with "a". So if you ask him where something is, he'll say "ahind" rather than "behind" or "apposed" instead of "supposed". He also has trouble with will + not = won't. He often says, "willn't".
- His favorite past time is still either tearing or cutting paper. He will still sit for a long time doing's so nice! He does enjoy coloring a lot too.
- He had a rough period of about 2 weeks where he was crying/screaming before preschool, and then stopping about 2 min. after I'd leave. It was rough for all of us. Friday was good though...hopefully next we will be good too!
- He's still good at making us all laugh...the things he comes up with sometimes!
Again, there is so much more, so I'll have to think about it...

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Great encapsulation. It is great that he still has a daily rest time. He is such a good little guy!!!