Monday, January 31, 2011

Abby at 9 Months

Happy 9 Months Baby Girl!
(I can pat my head and suck my thumb at the same time...can you?)

Abigail turned 9 months on Saturday! We just can't believe how big she's getting. Here are a few things she's up to:
~ She's still rolling EVERYWHERE. She will stretch really hard to reach something and then just end up rolling. It seems like she's getting closer to crawling...we'll see.
~ She continues to love her pacifier for naps and bedtime. I'll often just
leave it in the crib for her, and she'll grab it and put it right in her mouth.
~ She must enjoy napping with bare feet because that's how I usually end up finding her. :)
~ She loves the freedom of her walker...and enjoys trying to keep up with with Caden.
~ Speaking of Caden...she still LOVES everything to do with him (though the feeling isn't always mutual).
~ I had almost 9 glorious months of changing her on her back...but now she flips as soon as she hits the mat.
~ It's getting harder to read to her...she loves to close the book on me and just look at the front cover. She also gets really mad when I don't let her put the book in her mouth.
~ She knows what "No mouth" means and will slowly pull things into her mouth, laughing the whole time.

~ We've discovered she can sit up, she just doesn't want to. She has more fun on her tummy rolling.
~ She just recently started giving hugs and kisses (right Uncle Randy?).
~ Her new favorite sound is, "ya-ya-ya".
~ She is still such a joy to be happy!She just took her first bath sitting up. She's still a little unsure about it.


Mom said...

What funny pictures! That was my first thought...she is patting her head, etc....! Love how nice and straight she is sitting. What is Caden laughing at???

Dolores said...

How do you get those pictures!!! The one of her patting her head and sucking her thumb is priceless.

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness - I love the bath picture! I know what you mean about it getting hard to read books. Trafton gets so angry everytime I try to read to him b/c all he wants to do is put the book in his mouth!