Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Abby at 7 Months

Abigail turned 7 months on Monday!
Happy 7 Months sweet girl!
This pose is what she looks like in the middle of rolling over. Sometimes she just stops and lays like this for a few seconds...I guess because it's so comfortable?

Some things about Abby:
- Her left hand enjoys playing with my hair (or ripping out my earring) while I'm holding her.
- She enjoys playing with her brother's hair too.
- I love how she curls into me before nap or bedtime while I sing Hush Little Baby.
- She enjoys most solid foods...even if I trick her and mix carrots with something else (though she still shudders with bananas).
- She loves drinking water out of her sippy cup.
- She continues to just roll all over the place.
- She just figured out that she can bounce in the ExerSaucer and loves it even more.
- She doesn't like to have her clothes changed...she squawks at me, gets all stiff and sometimes holds her breath - I think it interrupts her playing time.
- She has 4 teeth, though I'm pretty sure 2 more bottom and 1 top are close to coming in.
- She's starting to help me turn the pages as I read a book.

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Adorable picture and great comments. I love to read the things you say about the kids.