Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunshine 40 Weeks

..."on board" and still hanging out.
I have an appointment today, more info to come.

I had such a nice nurse at this appointment. She told me I had a cute profile. So nice to hear at 40 weeks :)
OK...this time the doctor said to make an appointment for next week just to be on the safe side (already done), but he's thinking they'll see me at the hospital before my next appointment. Boy, I hope so! We're so excited. Caden hasn't been napping the past couple days, and I wonder if the baby has anything to do with it. Maybe we've been talking about it too much?!


Dolores said...

Sitting on the edge of the seat!!! Good luck!!

Kristen said...

Oh, this is so exciting! Karen and Joan and Tara and I were talking about you today - their thoughts are with you as well!!!

marisa said...

The anticipation is killing me! Sending tons of wishes for a quick and easy delivery!

Lori said...

Our thoughts are with you too! Good luck!