Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby Huston

Good friends of mine, The Hustons, just had their family grow from 3 into 4 yesterday (pictures on their blog). Congrats to them and welcome Kinsley Olivia!
So...The Hustons had a boy first, then a girl, so did Renee's sister, Tawnee, my friends the Smiths, my friends the Bowers, my friends the Furls (though they had 2 boys before the girl -so that might not count)...Anyhow the odds are saying there's a good chance we're having a girl too :)


Marisa said...

Yay for girls!!!!! I hope to not be a part of the pattern though and someday have another one of them!

Ali said...

maybe that means that when we have our next it will be a boy. The needle test said so anyways - 2 kids one girl first and then a boy. Do the needle test. See what it says!

Dolores said...

Seems like there is a pattern here. Just have to wait and see.