Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Little Off

We all got to see "our baby" (that's what Caden said in the car the whole way there) last night for the first time. The technician discovered something though...she measured the baby to be at 13 weeks and 5 days - a whole 3 weeks off! She has my due date as April 21. So, I'm assuming come Friday at my next appointment, the date will officially change. I had a feeling I wasn't as far along, which is too bad because my cousin and I were due just a week apart.

Anyhow, our sweet, little, alien-like baby is doing just fine. He/she weighs 3 ounces and is very personable. We were only able to get front views (pictures coming soon, I promise) because he/she just wanted to face us the whole time. Our baby even took a few seconds to raise his/her hand above the head and wave to us...so sweet! I also saw the legs curl up and then shoot out...I guess showing me how roomy it is in there now. Good news is that I'll have to go back closer to 20 weeks to get more pictures. The look on Caden's face was priceless though. He looked at the screen like, "That doesn't look like any babies I've seen!"

You can make out the face and tummy of the baby in this picture fairly well.

This is the one we got that shows how personable our little one is. If you look closely, on top of the head is the hand that he/she raised up to wave to us (and the arm is along side the head).

1 comment:

Marisa said...
