Monday, August 17, 2009

"Ma-Ma" = Me

Caden has been saying "ma-ma" for awhile now, but I just wasn't sure if he was relating it to me or not. I finally found out last Thurs. that it does mean me. I was standing in line to return something at Wal-Mart, and Jason had Caden in the cart a few steps behind me. I soon heard, "ma-ma", "ma-ma." When I turned around, my little guy was pointing at me and looking at his dad, like, "What's she doing up there?" I love hearing it over the monitor in the morning too.


Marisa said...

Awww...I can't wait until Anna actually relates the word "ma-ma" to me! Maybe I should be careful what I wish for though because she often just sits there saying ma-ma, ma-ma,over and over again!

Dolores said...

That is exciting.