Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yard Work

We can acutally happily say Jason had mowing to do this weekend. We were so excited to actually use the new mower we bought the weekend before. Well, at least I was excited that Jason was using it :) I'm sure the excitement will wear off quickly.

We aren't the only ones enjoying our yard.

You'll notice an empty birdfeeder. That's because I REFUSE to feed the cat sized squirrels who ate the first 3 lbs. There was a poor robin hopping around one day, but he just gave up.


Marisa said...

Those sound like scary squirrels! Riley would love to chase them!

Dolores said...

You need a dog to chase the squirrels away. Or you could grease the pole.

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness, I hate squirrels! I hate them like I hate nothing else - seriously . . . I love all things living - EXCEPT squirrels (and maybe ticks). They always eat our suet cakes and today Daniel looked out the window and saw a squirrel inside our 3 foot garden fence tearing apart all of my lovely sunflowers (some of which were already like 2 feet tall). I was so upset. You can probably tell from my long-winded rant that I really, really despise the little creatures! Good for you for not feeding them!!!