Friday, June 19, 2009

1st Tantrum

Caden threw his first (and I wish last) official trantrum yesterday. He was in our corner cupboard where he have a lazy Susan type thing that we keep cans on. Apparently taking the cans out and rolling them on the floor is tons of fun. It was all fine and good until he decided to drop the cans, which of course I couldn't let him do. I kept showing him what to do, but he finally just threw I told him he was done playing in the cupboard, and then the fun began. He just started crying, flopped on the floor whenever I came near him, and crawled under the table crying the whole time. It didn't last long. Funny thing, he hasn't touched the cupboard today :)

Oops...spoke to soon, he's in there now, but he's putting them on the rug like his Daddy taught him to do.


Marisa said...

Let the fun begin! I am not looking forward to those days. I know that they are inevitable though!

Brad said...

Oh just wait until he gets angry over seemingly nothing! We have many interesting days with Aidan.

Dolores said...

I am wishing you temper tantrum free days!!!

Mary Lou said...

Now Kristin, aren't you being a bit harsh?? I mean, c'mon... he just wanted to play with some cans... hahah!! I'm just kidding... his Auntie Lou has to keep an eye on him!! haha! Maybe we can meet up next week or something!! I'll be in touch!