Thursday, May 14, 2009

Food & Shoes

Food - Caden has now eaten the same food as us the past 2 dinners (chicken pot pie and hamburgers). We've been trying for awhile to get him to eat our dinners, but to no avail. I hope I didn't just jinx myself!

Shoes - I may have mentioned before that Caden LOVES shoes. I'm afraid thought it might have become an obsession. The other day I was in the kitchen and J was playing with Caden in the living room. I heard Caden squawk...and I mean squawk constantly (it gets very high pitched). I went in and he had his pointer finger on J's shoe and and was squawking about the shoe. Then this past Sunday in church, he got down under the pew and started squawking about the shoes of the people in front of us. Sometimes he'll make the "sh" sound and point to them, much better than the other sound he makes!

1 comment:

Dolores said...

A shoe designer???