Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Which One Is Mommy/Daddy?

This morning Caden found some older pictures of Jason and me. So, I thought I'd just ask him, "Which one is Mommy?" in a picture of my mom, sister, and me and in a picture of me with 2 of my college roommates. He was able to point to me both times. Then there was a picture of Jason with 2 of his college roommates and he was able to find him too. I never tried that with him before, and I wanted to see what he would do. He did get a little confused with a picture of both Jason and me though :)

A little something else - Caden has this "Fridge Phonics" thing his Grandma got him for his birthday...anyhow...he's been pulling letters off the past few days and giving them to me. I first got an "A". Then yesterday he gave me a "B". Today, it's a "C". What's he telling me??


Marisa said...

Not only a handsome little guy--but brains to go with it! =)

Dolores said...

He is telling you that he knows his ABCs. WOW! A genius.