Saturday, March 14, 2009

Last Year on This Day...

I had contractions...and LOTS of 'em! I asked Jason to take off work even though he took off on Thursday to come to my appt. with me. I was feeling some back pain Thurs. night, and then woke up with contractions the next morning. They were all day long but just mild and sporadic. We took a little walk up the hill from our apt., but that didn't last long. They continued into the night where I was getting a bad one just about every hour; strong enough to wake me up. Finally I woke up around 2 am on March 15th to count the time between contractions (about 10 min. apart and consistent). The rest is history :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, I remember waking up to the 5 a.m. text message saying you were on your way to the hospital! How exciting - it's hard to believe it was a year ago already.

Hope the first birthday is wonderful!!!